Albert-László Barabási

Albert-László Barabási

Professor at Northeastern University

Professor at Northeastern University and visiting professor of Central European University

🔹 Ph.D., 1994, Boston University, in physics; advisor H.E. Stanley
🔹 M.Sc., 1991, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, in physics; advisor T. Vicsek
🔹 1986-1989,University of Bucharest, major in physics and engineering

🔸 Robert Gray Dodge Professor of Network Science and University Distinguished Professor, Northeastern University
🔸 Postdoctoral Associate :1994-95, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center, Physical Sciences Department

🏅The FEBS Anniversary Prize for Systems Biology-2005
🏅Jon von Neumann Medal for outstanding achievements in computer-related science and technology-2006
🏅C&C Prize from the NEC C&C Foundation-2008
🏅 Cozzarelli Award from the US National academies of Science-2009
🏅Lagrange Prize-CRT Foundation for his contributions to complex systems-2011
🏅Prima Primissima Award for his contributions to network science by the Hungarian Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers- 2014
🏅 Bolyai Prize- 2019
🏅 Elected fellow of AAAS a Fellow of the Massachusetts Academy of Sciences

Research areas: Network science, statistical physics, biological physics, medicine

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