Executive Secretary

I am delighted to announce that, in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), the Iranian Bioinformatics Society (IBIS) will hold the 11th national and the 2nd international Iranian Conference on Bioinformatics (ICB11) both online and in-person from the 28th of February to the 3rd of March. This conference will draw on the 15 years’ experience of the Bioinformatics Society, holding a dozen national and international events, as well as the successful track record of the IPM in promoting scholarly discourse throughout the country to achieve high scientific credibility.
Bioinformatics as an interdisciplinary science, as a result of the ever-increasing quantity of biological data, and the need to store, retrieve, and properly analyze such data, is being studied and utilized at an increasing pace. We aim to bring together researchers in the fields of computer science, biology, mathematics, genetics, chemistry, physics, and other relevant disciplines to promote dialogue and foster new perspectives for research and education as well as to publish the latest developments in bioinformatics. It is planned to invite prominent domestic and international scientists and researchers as key speakers, and to hold specialized workshops, think tanks, and panel discussions throughout this conference. Therefore, all faculty members, scientists, researchers, and students interested in the field of bioinformatics are hereby invited to attend and are encouraged to present their research. It is our hope that this conference will provide a venue where researchers from domestic as well as international institutions engaged in bioinformatics research will be able to share information, exchange ideas, and synergize their efforts effectively.
With Regards,
Najme Salehi
Executive Secretary of the 11th National and the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics
Good day. I am a biochemistry student from Nigeria. Can I submit a research work on molecular docking, bonding interaction of hit compound and ADME evaluation. What is the fee for submission of paper and do you have fee waivers. Thanks
Dear Muhammad
Since the ICB conference is international, you can definitely submit your abstract. Moreover, molecular docking is within the scope of the conference topics.